Numerical representation of the results
Numerical files are displayed in View tabs and downloaded to a user's computer contain several header lines starting with " # " character, which give a verbal description of the contents of the file and the parameter values of the simulated spectrum. Below are the data columns.
The file of partition functions consists of two columns: the first one contains the temperature T in K, and the second is the value of partition function Q for this temperature. The format of the data line in Fortran notation is "I4,3X,F20.6".
Files of experimental absorption cross-sections, as well as files of transmittance, absorption and radiance spectral functions also consist of two columns, the first of which contains the value of the wavenumber WN in cm-1, and the second the value of the corresponding spectral function for this wavenumber. The format of the data line in Fortran notation is "F12.6,3X,E17.10".
The file of calculated absorption coefficients contains three columns. The first column contains the value of the wavenumber WN in cm-1, the second value of KNa [cm-1], and the third is the value of Ka in cm2/molecule for this wavenumber. The format of the data line in Fortran notation is "F12.6,3X,E17.10,3X,E17.10".
The file of calculated absorption cross-section also contains three columns. The first column contains the value of the wavenumber WN in cm-1, the second value of XS in cm2/molecule, and the third the absorbance A in ppm-1·m-1 for this wavenumber.
For list of spectral lines file two formats are supported: HITRAN-2004 and SPECTRA. The first one completely coincides with the 160-character format, described on p. 142 in [1], the second one is the traditional format of the Spectroscopy of atmospheric gases system.
HITRAN-2004 format of the list of spectral lines
Parameter | M | I | WN | S | A | Lenv | Lself | El | Nt | Pshift | GQNup | GQNlow | LQNup | LQNlow | Ierr | Iref | *(flag) | SWup | SWlow |
Field length | 2 | 1 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 4 | 8 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 6 | 12 | 1 | 7 | 7 |
Fortran format | I2 | I1 | F12.6 | E10.3 | E10.3 | F5.4 | F5.4 | F10.4 | F4.2 | F8.6 | A15 | A15 | A15 | A15 | 6I1 | 6I2 | A1 | F7.1 | F7.1 |
SPECTRA format of the list of spectral lines
Parameter | M | I | WN | S | El | Lenv | empty | Lself | empty | GQNup | GQNlow | LQNup | LQNlow |
Field length | 3 | 3 | 13 | 11 | 12 | 7 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Fortran format | I3 | I3 | F13.6 | E11.3 | E12.5 | F7.4 | X4 | F7.4 | X4 | A15 | A15 | A15 | A15 |