References for the molecule HNO3
Displaying 21-22 of 22 results.
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- 19.
- A. Perrin, R. Mbiaké, The ν5 and 2ν9 bands of the 15N isotopic species of nitric acid (H15NO3): Line positions and intensities //J Mol Spectrosc 237, 27-35 (2006)
- 20.
H.M. Pickett, R.L. Poynter, E.A. Cohen, M.L. Delitsky, J.C. Pearson, H.S.P. Müller, Submillimeter, millimeter and microwave spectral line catalog //JQSRT 60, 883-890 (1998)
Reference comment: (Revision 4), 2012.
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